EntrepreneuReal Letter

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Letter #7

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Uber for X | Startup Naming | Pricing your product | Diversity | Holy grail of Design | Perfect Entrepreneurial Attitude | Organic Growth


DON'T underestimate the intricacies and nuances of the specific service industry you are trying to Uberize 🚘

Building Uber for X and disrupting an industry sounds fancy but a number of startups making that happen is minimal because there are variables which are constantly missed out.


The moment you underprice your startup, you’re eating into your reputation and your profits 💰

As you arrive at the pricing stage, self-evaluation begins. Underpricing your own product and efforts might eat up your chances of making it big.


Articulating a customer and problem hypothesis to validate using Customer Forces Canvas 🛡

Customer voice is vague but it's your responsibility to connect the dots and acknowledge a problem worth solving. A canvas to help you steer in the right direction.


Naming your startup! 🗝

Out there in some garage is an entrepreneur forging to name his/her multi-billion dollar dream. A checklist to ensure you check major do's and don'ts.


Equity-as-the-only-option approach narrows vision for both start-ups and investors

Traditional “all or nothing” VC strategy puts a reliance on equity calls to innovate in structures and processes ourselves.


The Holy Grail of design 🏵

Design is the balance between the form and function. They aren't always #000000 and #FFFFFF. Product Design is an 'art' which involves a lot of hit & trial for continuous improvement. 


The roots of organic growth 💪🏼

Across all the growth lenses, understand the relationship between organic growth approaches, capabilities, and performance.


We’ve evolved from equality to equity [Championing Diversity] 🌓

Do you lead by example when it comes to diversity? Broaden your perspective to boost innovation.


Prepare for struggle and film with fun to avoid startup burnout 😣

Being a startup founder is a lot of work pressure and quick decision-making. But never let it take a toll on your health and avoid burnout by using these simple techniques.


The anatomy of an entrepreneur and an ideal entrepreneurial attitude ©

Entrepreneurs are recognised by an attitude and not hard skills. How decisions should be made based on gut-feeling or factual data?


You are not responsible for the world but yourself - so just do it!

It would be better if you just do the stuff and not even think about it. When you work or before you start to work you have to empty your mind and focus.
The tool I’ve found which has proven to be the most reliable safety net for emotional free fall is actually the same tool that has helped me to make my best business decisions. And it is … Stoicism.

Tim Ferriss

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