EntrepreneuReal Letter

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Letter #11

Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Ship Your Idea | Controlled Experiments | Color Psychology | Perfect Culture | Startup Runway | Product Management Framework | Productivity Checklist



Creating science-backed controlled experiments ⚙️

Setting up an efficient A/B testing environment.


A perfect culture - does it exist? ☮️

The impact on culture as your startup moves through various phases of growth


The power of emotional intelligence when hiring for your startup 🔮

Predicting job performance with cognitive ability, conscientiousness, and emotional stability


The Problem Space & Solution Space model for product managers 🥅

Track the problem you are trying to solve with how well your product is solving that problem.


Advice for SaaS companies 🙌

Pivoting to selling to enterprise customers, moving upmarket and increasing Average Revenue Per Account


Working from home or garage? 🏠

The ultimate productivity checklist!


The psychology behind how colors impact the design 🌈

Color has everything to do with the branding but more importantly with the application user’s emotion.


Bootstrapping Your PR in the realm of entrepreneurship ⚡️

How to build your company’s stature in the startup world with minimal investment?


How long is your Startup Runway 🛬

and are you on track to reach the milestones needed for a successful financing before then?


The fear of the opinion of others influence your decisions

As morbid as it sounds - you are going to die someday but if you truly embrace it you'll stop being precious about things that don't matter. 
People tend to believe ideas are rare things, gems to be collected and hoarded. But in fact the nature of creative work, be it corporate innovation, academic research, or artistic endeavor, tells us quite the opposite — that if a useful insight pops into your head, it’s most likely in other people’s minds as well.

Nir Eyal

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