EntrepreneuReal Letter

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Letter #28

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Growth Hacking Guide | How to Build MVP | Product Design | Startup Fund | Startup Failure | Customer Success 2.0 | Goal-Setting | VC Decision-making Framework


From defining growth hacking to setting up your growth toolkit 📈

The definitive guide to growth for startups.


How ‘minimum’ should be your MVP? 🎁

Building an MVP with a clear user-centric approach.


To design great products, you must deliver the right features, with the right user experience for the right people. 🎨

Walking you through the never-ending, non-linear product design process.




To say “yes” to the new, you must say “no” to some of the old. 📋

Streamline your schedule and build in room to accommodate new goals.


Are you in a market-readiness or market creation situation? 🛠

Guideposts for tech founders seeking early validation.


Do you have entrepreneurial aspirations and not so much cash? 💰

Starting a startup within your bank balance is easier than you think.


The five elements of customer success 2.0 🤷🏻‍♂️

To identify more opportunities to grow and deliver value by taking a fresh look at customer success.


Startups on the decline. 📉

The economy’s ability to generate and support new businesses appears to be faltering.


New ventures of all kinds are attempting to improve their chances of success

by following its principles of failing fast and continually learning.
In the last few years, it’s become more common for angel investors to ask for a board seat, but I suggested they really want to think hard about whether that’s something they need to do now.
Steve Blank

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