EntrepreneuReal Letter

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Letter #9

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
The true meaning of MVP | SaaS Guide | Finding Co-Founder | Profitability vs Growth | Ethics in Design | Pitch Deck Answers | Structuring VC funds


The concept of MVP is misunderstood 👾

An MVP is to seek maximum customer validation rather than product testing.


Hustle beats Talent when Talent doesn't Hustle... The Silicon Valley nerd commando lifestyle

A cultural contradiction is taking over as more and more people portray 9-to-5 lifestyle as a bad omen.


Khosrowshahi's merchant model to rework Uber’s culture, finances, strategy, and image 🚘

Can Uber's new CEO aggregate the opportunity that remains for UBER?


You are not who you claim to be - Introduce yourself to yourself in a new light. 🎭

Do not let the roles you play in life make you forget who you are.


The basic mechanics of how VC funds are structured 💸

and on how VCs interact with their own investors


Finding co-founder paradigm 🏃🏻

Have a plan to handle disagreements and check for emotional stability - building a startup is a hell of an emotional roller coaster.



Early-stage SaaS startup with a fresh MVP? Here's your LAUNCHPAD 🕹

Product-Market Fit | Branding | Pricing | Traction | Funding | Team (all inclusive)


STARTUP WARCRAFT: Profitability vs. Growth? 📊

Does more profit mean growth for your startup and are they mutually inclusive?


Ethics in design [The Design Paradox] 🍥

What ethics should designers adopt, if any, if they don’t have the power to deliberately create things that will actually serve users?


The role of empathy and perspective in startup leadership 😇

The transition of being responsible for the job to be responsible for the people who are responsible for the job.

We all have the capacity to become a leader - doesn't mean everybody should be a leader and it doesn't mean everybody wants to be a leader. Leadership comes at a great personal sacrifice. When everything goes right, you'll have to give away all the credit and when everything goes wrong you have to take all the responsibility.

Simon Sinek

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